Cronjob: Basics and reboot

One of Linux five star things is the cronjobs. They allow you to automatically run stuf (scripts, applications, etc.) at quite specific times. The crontab is the place controlling when the stuff is run and you can list the crontab using the commaand crontab -l for the current user. If you want to edit the crontab, just use the command crontab -e and it launches the crontab in the default editor (set EDITOR env variable to change the editor used).

A Hugo Image/Photo Gallery

I recently switch this site from Wordpress to Hugo - and the site with Danish content too. It was mostly easy and straight forward, but initially there was a few features missing (by the very nature of it being a static site) and some things I needed to look into once the switch had happened. One of these was a gallery function to present images (photos mostly). Gallery options…. There are various ways to have a gallery on a site, and one of the pains I had with wordpress, was changing strategies over time, which left me with several plugins needed to handle the historic gallery choices.

Batch converting JPG and PNG to WebP

I’ve been speed optimizing some of my personal sites, and one easy update is changing the images from being JPEGs and PNG images to the smaller WebP format. All the images I need to convert are usually in collections, where one folder at a time needs conversion and as some contain a lot of images, I needed a way to do it smartly. This is what I came up with:

Posting With Hugo

Switching to Hugo caused a major change in the workflow behind the site. Wordpress comes with a full-featured backend which allows you to manage basically your entire website (if it’s Wordpress powered), but Hugo don’t. There’s no-backend admin site nor an webeditor to create and manage your posts. It doesn’t bother me. It’s a completely different workflow and I’m starting with a rough minimum flow initially untill I get a bit more expirence running Hugo.

Certificate check from Go

As the web moves more and more to HTTPS and ehanced security (such as HSTS) keeping your certificates updated and valid becomes more and more important. I’m toying with an idea of building a small webapp to monitor my small portfolio of certificates and warn me if a certificate is due to expire. As part of this, I’m slowly patching pieces together in Go and one of the small useful outcomes is a small (compilable to bin) script which prints the basic certificate details of a given domain.