
Show wifi password in clear

Got access to a wifi network, but forgot the password? No a problem. At least not if you have a windows, Mac or Linux machine with access. All these OSes can basically without restrictions show you the wifi password in clear text. Windows Once you have access to the wifi network. Open the commandline and enter the following command replacing “SSID” with the actual name of the wifi network you want to retrive the password to.

Get your DMARC going

Get your company implementing DMARC now… During the past 5-6 years email industry efforts have been pushing the DMARC standard along. It provides the best widely supported and seemingly efficient way to - as a domain-owner - protect the domain from misuse and abuse in terms of spam and phishing attacks. As sending email has often been a wild-west, and knowing who is a valid sender of email may prove a challenge for many companies - and as most IT developers does seem to care too much about the finer details of email (and production just as bad email headers as HTML markup :-) ), implementing DMARC protection on your domain may actually be a challenge.

Updating Viscocity certificates (on mac osx)

When using Viscocity to connect to a corporate network or any other openVPN server, you’re probably using certificates with a reasonable lifetime, but sometimes the certificate expire and needs be updated. Replacing the certificate files through the Viscocity interface is quite easy - just edit the connection and replace the certificate files in the appropriate tab. There is however another little trick, which may need to be applied before the new certificates work.

Password failure in Wordpress Plugin

One of the great features of Wordpress is the wide variety of plugins available. They often enable a lot of interesting functionality and integrations to other services not native to Wordpress itself. Most of these plugins are developed by individuals or small teams independent of the core community - and often not with a keen interest in security, but an exclusive focus on “making stuff work”. I’ve been using the Wordpress “Google AdSense Dashboard” for awhile, and after the recent host of password leaks, I’ve been changing and upgrading password all around.

HTTPS, SSL, TLS - What it does

While surfing the net, you often come across web agencies how promote SSL-certificates (or TLS security) on their products - or their ability to create “secure web applications” with SSL. Most users know HTTPS/SSL/TLS as the little lock, that promises “security” when visiting a page - but what kind of security it actually provides is rarely explained - and far worse often misunderstood. The while SSL is the popular name (and as it was once known) and HTTPS usually is the way users sees it (as part of a URL in a browser) - the correct name is TLS a short for Transport Layer Security.