Backups, Wordpress & GMail

Backups seem to be a constant pain for just about everyone. It’s something we know we should do, but somehow never get around to actually doing. Since switching to Wordpress on this site, things have been different though. One of my many installed wordpress Plugins is the Wordpress Backup plugin. It runs once a day and makes a complete backup of my wordpress database (with all these precious posts) and sends it in a mail to my Gmail-account.

Website Traffic Tracking

Do you have a website? If so please go to the place you store the access logs, and check how much disk space they use. Having a website a few yours old, you’re probably looking at gigabytes, and what exactly is the value of that? Sure keeping track of traffic levels is sort of interesting, but sometimes you need to balance the value provided by the space/resources required, and I’ve been slowly changing the way I use the access logs on this site.

Letting others feed the web for you

I follow a ton of sites on the web. I go for a morning surf through each and every one of them; I use an aggregator which checks the feeds from the websites, and tell me where to go for news. I guess most people do this – using feeds to find updates and then visit the site to check out the content.This way of tracking sites has changed one important thing on this website – the most popular file on the site is no longer the frontpage nor is it at particular popular page with a high Google ranking – it’s the feeds.

Gallery & WPG upgradeded

It seems it upgrade time. Today it was the Gallery and the WordPressGallery plugin that was upgraded. While I usually get it to work (somehow), it’s always slightly scary. URL’s in the Gallery is a mess (and changed since the old version of the WPG plugin), but the Gallery seem to be running and the site sort of sane again.

kUbuntu 7.10

Just a few days before leaving for South Africa, the latest version af Ubuntu was released. I really didn’t have the nerve to try and upgrade before my vacation, but today was the day. Ubuntu is an operating system – like windows – but based upon (Debian) Linux. It can probably do everything you need – and it’s free. With the packaging done to Linux by the Ubuntu team(s), it’s a complete user-friendly and easy to use alternative for most computer users, and it has worked pretty well for me for the quite some time.