Gmail filter feature wanted

I’ve been moving a fairly large part of my private mail to my Gmail account. Gmail do have some amazing features for searching, labeling and handling mail and the virtually unlimited storage is also pretty cool - Much cooler than keeping a huge mail-archive on an IMAP-server or having it on a local fragile hard disk. One of the more recent things I’ve started using GMail for is backups of this site.

The case against tags

To every modern web 2.0 site offering tagging seems to be an absolute requirement. While I may agree, that tagging in some cases may offer some improvements in content navigation over many other points, I do think it’s been too abused in way to may cases. Tags on sites such as Flickr and are absolutely fantastic. They offer some cross navigation options, which would probably be near impossible, if not for the tags.

Wanted (source)code plugin for Wordpress

The past days I’ve been posting stories with a few code samples – Perl, PHP, Javasscript and/or HTML. While Wordpress is fantastic to a number of things, handling sourcecode examples in the posts, reallly isn’t one of them. I’ve been playing with a number of plugins, but none of them really works for me. What I’m looking for is this: It must be able to handle HTML, Javasscript, PHP and Perl sourcecode.

Changing a form submit url with javascript

Sometimes you might need to change the address a form submits to, it’s quite easy with javascript. One example could be if you - like me - from time to time is hit hard by comment-spammers. Changing the submit URL on the form with javascript, makes it at least somewhat harder for “automated brainless robots” to kill your site in a spam attack. The recipie below is a very simple example, but so far it seems to work quite well: <script type="text/javascript"> function doSubmit() { var target1 = 'hello'; var target2 = 'world'; var target3 = '.

Bulk resizing images with Perl

Suppose you’ve just filled you digital camera with an endless stream of photos. You want to place them online at your website, but placing 5+ megapixel files online, well…probably a bad idea. Let’s resize them to a propper size - and why not use Perl and ImageMagick for the job. Not a problem, here’s a complete example on how to resize all images in a directory . Make sure you have ImageMagick installed.