Site News

Combined Feed available

For the Danish and English reading folks there’s a new combined feed available which sources news from both the Danish and the English track of this site. Enjoy.

Step by step

We’re slowly making progress at bringing a new and shiny site back. Today the front page switched into something not too unpleasant. The HTML and CSS credit goes to Aarfing – which made it for his site. I hope he doesn’t mind too much while it lasts – my intended design is less like his.

Upgrades and fixes

So after salvaging a bunch of content from Google’s cache and other sources, I’ve started working on getting the site back online with a new design and a few new surprises which has been due for quite a while. First step was bump up the MovableType engine to the 3.12 version and installing a bunch of plugins – MTBlackList, MTMultiblog and others. I still need a few things left to do in the MT plugin department, but it seems a large number of plugins haven’t been upgraded to MT3.

Online... again

Sometime during the night between Thursday and Friday last week, the disk RAID in this server burned two disks and forgot to enable the spare disk in the RAID. The server went down, the lights went out and the site (along with the other sites hosted here). Thanks to a Linux Magician we have a new server running – and the content should eventually start to reappear with the next few days (and weeks).

Lost History

Lost history This site started once upon a time in 1998, but has changed through the years and as I’ve switched CMS systems, servers and played around, the posts from the first few years are lost in history. This site also used to contain Danish posts, English posts and a mixture of personal and developer related stuff. From 2010 and on wards I’ve tried to post only in English and keep it to technical/development content, and moved other content in Danish to my site in Danish.