Site News

Got Mac?

Yes I do. It’s been some months since I decided to go for a Mac, but my home office is power by a hardware monster from Cupertino - a PowerMac with to G5 cpus. I do belive I made new record from “computer in box” to the “computer fully patched and ready” – less than 2 hours (Windows XP average: 10+ hours). I probably still need a few tools and applications to be fully operational, but so far it just rocks.

Faster, bigger, better, more

If you noticed a small disruption of the service on the site, don’t panic. I’ve switched to a new server with more power. All things should be running smoothly thanks to the Linux God who manage the server.

Design tweaks

I’ve been toying slightly with the design recently, and I just noticed today that it’s pretty obvious that almost any browsing I do happens in Firefox. The site (well top menu anyway) looks awful in Internet Explorer – auch. Better fix that some time in 2005.

Recovery 404

So I thought I did a decent job of cleaning up and recovering the site after the evil crash a few months ago. Browsing through the 404 (file-not-found) logs sadly tells a different story. Damn. I was hoping to be fully recovered by New Years Eve. That’s probably a little too ambitious.

Combined Feed available

For the Danish and English reading folks there’s a new combined feed available which sources news from both the Danish and the English track of this site. Enjoy.