Site News

Wordpress live...

Somethings changed. There’s a new look on the site and there’s a new engine under the hood. It’s seemed to be the time to switch from Movable Type to Wordpress – instead of the constant fighting with MovableType to keep things together a few years (after making too many hacks all around the MT-files), this new site hardly has a single hack – it’s just by the book and pieced together by standard components.

The legacy Pain

When your fresh young company, you can do everything right from the start – choose the right tools, use the best technology and make a lean mean profit machine. When your an elder company, you usually have a lot of legacy and history to carry on. While trying to move this website from Movable Type to a fresh Wordpress engine, I just realized, that a website almost 10 years old, also have a lot of legacy issues, which I need to handle :-)

Gallery2 - moving to new URL

Long ago I installed Gallery2. It was initially just a test installation to see if it worked, as it should. Being a test install it was just placed at /g2/ on this server. Time passed. It just worked and before long, there were a large number of photos (with metadata) in the gallery. So how do you move it to a slightly more suitable location without breaking too many things? I tried it a few times before, but with very little success.

Look Sharp

After finishing the redesign project on, I found a few hours to finish the redesign of this site. The former look never really got around to looking somewhat decent in Internet Explorer and never worked very well in general (except for some prettier colors). This look is an odd mixture of nifty cube, Yahoo User Interface Library, Movable Type and some homebrewed components. Should you find any serious issues, let me know.

10 år

(Legacy post in Danish) Hold da op…. Nu er det faktisk 10 år siden jeg startede med at arbejde med Internet hos den virksomhed, der lige for tiden hedder TDC. Selvom jeg som sådan ikke har skiftet arbejde, så har der dog gennem årene været flere omvæltninger og skift, end de fleste sikkert har prøvet – selvom de har skiftet arbejde og virksomhed flere gange. I ”de gamle dage” sad vi sammen med DKnet ude på Symbion – her var det en lille afdeling, der lavede internet-løsninger for eksterne kunder.