Updating Viscocity certificates (on mac osx)

When using Viscocity to connect to a corporate network or any other openVPN server, you’re probably using certificates with a reasonable lifetime, but sometimes the certificate expire and needs be updated. Replacing the certificate files through the Viscocity interface is quite easy - just edit the connection and replace the certificate files in the appropriate tab. There is however another little trick, which may need to be applied before the new certificates work.

ftp on OSX Lion

While it really isn’t secure at any measure, ftp is a very useful way of moving files around. Apple’s OSX have a build-in basic ftp server, but in Lion (version 10.7) the user interface seems to have disappeared from the User interface. The servers is still available under the hood if you need it. To enable the ftp-server (the availability) enter this command in a terminal window: sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.