(Legacy post in Danish) Hold da op…. Nu er det faktisk 10 år siden jeg startede med at arbejde med Internet hos den virksomhed, der lige for tiden hedder TDC. Selvom jeg som sådan ikke har skiftet arbejde, så har der dog gennem årene været flere omvæltninger og skift, end de fleste sikkert har prøvet – selvom de har skiftet arbejde og virksomhed flere gange. I ”de gamle dage” sad vi sammen med DKnet ude på Symbion – her var det en lille afdeling, der lavede internet-løsninger for eksterne kunder.
I’ve been reading a lo ton the GTD philosophy the past six months, and while I haven’t fully adopted the preaching’s, some things are working better for me, than in the past in terms of time and project management. This is how I try to work towards less stressful days and more actual work.
Inbox management I used to have well over 1.000 mails in the inbox. Through focused and efficient cleaning, it’s now down to around a hundred on an average day.
While working with databases – especially Mysql – most people seem to ask the same question over and over again when it comes to Primary Keys. Here’s my typical answer to the question(s) above (and more).
Do I need a primary key? No, you don’t need it, but if you haven’t got one, there’s probably something wrong with your data model. A primary key is the unique key to a row in a table.
It seems most people are capable of launching an email application and do understand most of the technical skills required to use the application. It does however also seem that a fairly large part of the same people lack the social intelligence and skills required to make efficient use of their email capabilities. Scanning through my inbox I saw a fair and typical number of examples in the ”bad email usage” category.
With the amazing buzz around RubyonRails, everyone seems to be hooked on the Model-View-Controller (or just MVC) paradigm – and do strive to mindlessly implement the ”Ruby way” into other programming languages without too much reflection and thoughts on how to do it. . Even tough most of the efforts I’ve seen so far seem pretty hopeless; I do believe you could actually do something good with MVC and PHP. Let me try to tell you how.