So I’m 4 years ahead...

In March 2003 I barked about a Meeting clock. It must be a great idea, when MAKE reference it and sort make it a reality almost 4 years after, right? – If you liked the Meeting clock, there probably are a few other inspirational toughts in the Project Management category, enjoy.

Mysql: Change account password

Through the mysql client: update mysql.user set password=password('NEW_PASSWORD') where user='USERNAME' and host='HOSTNAME'; flush privileges; Through the command line: mysqladmin -u USERNAME -p CURRENT_PWD password NEW_PWD Replace USERNAME, CURRENT_PWD and NEW_PWD with appropriate values.

Mysql: Delete orphan records

Finding records that do not match between two tables. CREATE TABLE bookreport ( b\_id int(11) NOT NULL auto\_increment, s\_id int(11) NOT NULL, report varchar(50), PRIMARY KEY (b\_id) ); CREATE TABLE student ( s\_id int(11) NOT NULL auto\_increment, name varchar(15), PRIMARY KEY (s\_id) ); insert into student (name) values ('bob'); insert into bookreport (s\_id,report) values ( last\_insert\_id(),'A Death in the Family'); insert into student (name) values ('sue'); insert into bookreport (s\_id,report) values ( last\_insert\_id(),'Go Tell It On the Mountain'); insert into student (name) values ('doug'); insert into bookreport (s\_id,report) values ( last\_insert\_id(),'The Red Badge of Courage'); insert into student (name) values ('tom'); To find the sudents where are missing reports: select s.

Mysql: Dump data in XML or HTML

Assume you have the table “exams” in the database “test”.Then, the following will give you XML output if executed from the shell prompt with the “-X” option. For html output use the “-H” option. mysql -X -e "select \* from exams" test

Mysql: Dumping data to a file

To dump data into a comma separated file use this: SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'tablename.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY 'n' FROM tablename; Replace tablename with the tablename of the table you which to dump to a file.