It seems I don’t find time to do too many stories to the site currently. I do however twitter occasionally. As a convenience I’ve added the latests twitters on the site too…
XXX Lost image XXX
I have a VoIP phone on my desk. It’s part of the Corporate VoIP solution, and in most cases it works pretty well. One of my favorite features is the ability to act as a meeting phone with the speaker on. It usually works great, but there is one thing with the speaker feature, which just feels wrong – to turn off the speaker, you press the hangup buttom.
I’ve been playing a bit with the Google App Engine the past few nights. It’s one of the newest toys out of Google, and it could very well be a very important piece of infrastructure to many web developers trying to create a dotcom adventure.
Google App Engine (once they let you in) allows you to run web applications of google’s server infrastructure. With the Google App Engine you can write applications (and run these of your local machine (Mac, Linux or Windows) and even use data storage in your applications.
Changing files from one format to another is quite easy with a little bit of Magick. In the example below a JPG image (test.jpg) is converted into a GIF-image (test.gif). To output in a different (ImageMagick supported) format, just change the “image->Set” line.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Image::Magick; my $image = Image::Magick->new(); # To explicitly set image format use this instead: # my $image = Image::Magick->new(magick=>'JPEG'); my $x = $image->Read('test.
CVS is a sourcecode version control system, which is just about the best thing which can ever happen to a software project. CVS gives you the power to manage the development of your sourcecode and keep track of changes in the code.
Below there’s a few pointers to the net, where you can find lots of information about CVS and the add-on tools which supplies it. The section called “local content” is our own attempt to add something to the endless pages describing and explaing how to use CVS.