Yesterday PHP 4.4.9 was released, and today PHP 4 is officially dead. There wil be no more updates.
Don’t worry too much tough. PHP 5 is far superior and there’s absolutely no go reason not to have moved on to PHP 5 long ago.
PHP 4 - It was a nice ride and I’m sure you deserve the rest.
Welcome to a fresh look on I’ve never been quite satisfied with the old look, and stumbled across the WP_Premium theme which looked quite nice. It’s now live in a lightly hacked version.
Therre are quite a few things I’d like to hack further but in the spirit of the Internet Way of doing things, it’s probably best to release something slightly broken - and let updates happen “when I find the time”(tm).
One of the hottest sites on the web for more than a year is twitter, but what is Twitter?
I’ve tried a few times to explain it, and while it may be a fun task, it has often become quite a mess. This is an attempt to capture the most successful explanation of twitter. The core of Twitter is a combination of three different characteristics:
Twitter is like a blog - An author publish content.
How many cookies do you neeed and how many does the browsers support? - It seem to come up all to often, so after a bit of digging in search engines, here are (for my own convenience) the findings of what the limits are on cookies in the currently used browsers.
The cookie standard (RFC2965) specifies a browser should be able to handle at least 20 cookies per domain, but one thing is a standard - who does the real world look?
A new wordpress has been released (2.6). I’ve upgraded - took 60 seconds and caused no issues what so ever (- so far anyway). There isn’t one big new thing, but a fair number of improvements in many different areas. Get the latest version from the Wordpress site.