Welcome to the "new" old site

Let’s call it lift off… This site has been online in some form or another for 10+ years. During that time I’ve been runing a static HTML site (eventually with a few CGI’s), later on Movable Type a few years and most recently an odd mixture of Wordpress, Gallery2 and custom code. During the past months I’ve been trying to make things somewhat simpler, and what you’re looking at right now, is the first step - a new look (though a standard Wordpress theme and a drastically reduced plugin collection).

Simple slideshow updated

Quite awhile ago I posted a little piece of javascript, which could be used to a (very) simple webpage slide show. Someone requested a version a little more advanced for use in a kiosk mode, and sure why not - updating the script with the option to set different times on the webpages displayed was a minor change, and it’s been done now. If you’d like an updated version of a basic webpage slideshow with an option to specify the time each page is displayed, go ahead get it from the lab.

The art of the commit (in version management)

Most developers (and certainly professional shops) working with software- or webdevelopment has understood the ideas behind sourcecode version management - no matter if they choose to use cvs, subversion, git or any of the other fine systems available. How developers use these systems, can provide an easy insight into who is the dummy, the average and the great developer. When to commit One of the first distinguishing signs is what they commit - is the version management system used as a backup tool or as a version tracking tool.

Security can be easy

It’s often the case that security is an inconvenience and gets in the way of usability and ease of use. There are exceptions though and for a number of weeks I’ve been playing with the Yubikey (thanks to Schack) from Yubico. It’s a small device, which plugs into a USB port, and to the computer acts as a keyboard. It has some advanced security build-in with the ability to generate one-time verifiable passwords, but is incredible easy to use – plug it into the USB port and press the single button when you need to sign in to services supporting the Yubikey.

Tips for developing WebApplications

So it been awhile since I sort of promised some tips on developing web applications fast. This post contains my five generic tips, which may apply to you (but then again - your mileage may vary). I’ve tried to abstract the advice and not stick to PHP development here, though it’s by far the world I know best. 1. Spend time on the data model Too often a data model is driven by code, not careful thinking, and this often causes problems has the web application develops and expand over time.