Bulk conversion of webp files to png format
Google has come up with a nice new image format called webp. Currently support for this format is fairly limited, so if you need to use webp images else where it might be nice to convert them to a more widely supported format. To do the conversion, Google has made a small tool available called dwebp. The tool however does only seem to support conversion of a single image, not a batch of images.
Using regular command line magic it’s easy though. Download the tool a pair it with the find and xargs command and you should quickly be on you way. If all the webp files needing conversion to png is in a single directory, simply do this:
{{ highlight bash }} find . -name “*.webp” | xargs -I {} dwebp {} -o {}.png {{ /highlight }}
It findes all webp files, and converts them one by one. If the initial files name was image.webp the resulting file will be called image.webp.png (as the command above doesn’t remove the .webp but only appends .png at the end.
The command assumes the dwebp program is available in you include path. If this isn’t the case, you need to specify the complete path to the program.