Watching your Raspberry Pi
So I’ve installed a Raspberry Pi and it’s been running smoothly day in, day out. I’d like it to stay that way, but as the server is running it’s gathers lint in log files, databases grows and knowing how the load on CPU and memory is utilized through out time, I was looking for a tool which could help me to solve this problem.
As fun as it might be to build your own solution, I’ve learned to appreciate ready to use solutions, and it seems a nice little tool is available called RPi-Monitor. Assuming you run the Raspbian, the RPi-Monitor is available as a package ready to install through the standard package manager (once you’ve added the package repository).
RPi-Monitor installs a web server on port 8888 and gives you a nice overview on key resources - cpu, memory, disk and more - and even historical graphs is available.
RPi-Monitor is free, but if you find it useful, do consider donating to the author on the website.