Linux Mint: OpenSSH Daemon

I’m in the process of reinstalling my work desktop. One of the mandatory packages which I install once the core system is up and running is a SSH Daemon. Setting it up (on Linux Mint which I’m running) is pretty easy. To install the OpenSSH daemon go to the shell and write:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

It’s a fairly small install, so in a few seconds it ought to be up and running. Next step is editing the default config file and change a few things. Editing the config file is done by entering:

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

The cofiguration options I usually edit these parameters:

PermitRootLogin no #Banner /etc/


  • PermitRootLogin - The default option is yes, but frankly root should never be allowed to login remote unless absolutely needed.
  • Banner - Can allow a custom message be displayed at login (if needed).
  • AllowUsers - A space separated list of users allowed to login remotely.

Once the edits are done and saved, the openSSH Daemon needs to restarted which is done by:

sudo service ssh restart