Wordpress 404 Notifier broken?
While trying to respect the notion that URLs dont change, moving to a completely different engine for a website is bound to cause many URL changes. I’ve been trying to redirect old broken URLs to their new destination, and one of the tools was the 404 Notifier plugin for Wordpress.
The idea is that you configure it to send you a mail every time a 404 error occur. I did that and configured it to mail me at my GMail address (with endless storeage). It seemed like a great idea, but somehow it seem to mail me plenty of false alerts.
Almost every page-view in my Gallery (ie. http://netfactory.dk/wpress/v/2002-12/0212b/PC210042.JPG.html ) is judged a 404 and thus a mail is send. I wonder if the plugin is only post & page aware – and not actually 404 notification service…