Wordpress plugins at work
Publishing a list of which pluins you use seems to be popular among Wordpress users, so here’s my contribution in case you’re wondering, which plugins are in use around this site.
- Askimet - Anti-comment spam (comes with wordpress)
- Amazon Showcase (hacked) - Displays the “Currently reading” on the frontpage; hacked to display valid XHTML.
- FeedBurner FeedSmith - Handles the Feeds from the site (and moves load a way from this server).
- Google SiteMaps - Helps Google index the site.
- Sociable (hacked) - Places “sharing” links on posts & pages (StumpleUpon seemed to be broken).
- Tiger Style Administration - Beef up the backend of wordpress and make it look nicer.
- Underscore Permalinks - I like underscored permalinks over the default dashed permalinks.
- WordVerify - A simple spam-prevention method.
- WP-ContactForm - Used for my contact page.
- WPG2 (and friends) - Trying to make Gallery2 and Wordpress play nice together (not quite successful yet though).
In line:
- Addicted To Reverse titles - might be useful for Search Engine Optimization
- Code Markup - might help usability/readability in the Technology section.
- Fold Page List - I’m still having issues with Pages-navigation i Wordpress, maybe this can help me
- WP-PageNavi - May help with pages-navigation.
- Google Adsense Widget - Didn’t really work for me. Placed AdSense in Text-widgets instead.
If you think I’m missing out on some essential plugins, please leave a comment. With the overwhelming number of plugins for wordpress, it’s quite hard to find the cool, the ones you need and the ones to avoid.