CVS - Getting started

CVS is a sourcecode version control system, which is just about the best thing which can ever happen to a software project. CVS gives you the power to manage the development of your sourcecode and keep track of changes in the code. Below there’s a few pointers to the net, where you can find lots of information about CVS and the add-on tools which supplies it. The section called “local content” is our own attempt to add something to the endless pages describing and explaing how to use CVS.

Fetching Image details in Perl

Image::Size is fine, if size is the only thing, which matters. Sometimes, however, it isn’t enough, and when that is the case Image::Info (again fetched from CPAN) is your friend. Point it to a file (through various methods), and it will return a hash with all the information available about the image you pointed at. Most popular formats are supported. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Image::Info; # Just fetch the size my $imgInfo = Image::Info::image\_info("test.

Making thumbnails with Perl

With the help of ImageMagick you can automagically use Perl to create thumbnails. The example below is quite rude and makes a 50 by 50 thumbnail (no matter which size and shape the master had). Before using it in a real world scenario, check the aspect ratio, the size of the original image and what ever may be applicable. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Image::Magick; my $image = Image::Magick->new(magick=>'JPEG'); my $x = $image->Read('test.

Rotating an Image with Perl

Turning images is quite simple. In the example below an image is turned 90 degrees clockwise, wirtten to a file, turned another 90 degress and written to a file again. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Image::Magick; my $image = Image::Magick->new(magick=>'JPEG'); my $x = $image->Read('test.jpg'); $x = $image->Rotate(degrees=>90); # 90 degress clockwise $x = $image->Write('test.90.jpg'); $x = $image->Rotate(degrees=>90); # Another 90 degress clockwise $x = $image->Write('test.180.jpg'); exit();

Google and the iPhone

Appleinsider has an interesting little story. It reports how the iPhone usage shocks Google being far above the expectations. I don’t have any expectations, have so far not used nor touched an iPhone, but frankly you shouldn’t be too surprised. Sure I’ll probably get blamed as an Apple fanboy, but I hardly know any other company who is able to - so successfully - match the possibilities of technology with consumer desires.